Many web hosting companies offer reseller hosting plans which is an easy way for others to act as web hosts. The reseller buys an account and creates other accounts under his own brand name. Normally the reseller is responsible for looking after all aspects of the hosting but some companies offer end user support, and in that case, the customers get support from the parent hosting company. In Thailand, thaihosting provides attractive reseller hosting plans with great features and benefits.
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There are lots of business men this time who are using a web host for uplifting their business and for maximizing their profits for good. If you are one of the businessmen who compete different sorts of business around the globe, it is advisable if you will look for any ways so as to access your clients very easily.
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SSL Certificate is important for securing web pages that have confidential information. Some of the hosting companies provide SSL certificate along with their hosting package as a free service while others provide it on additional payment. Once the SSL certificate is available and if the website is on wordpress platform, it is to be implemented on it using any suitable methods. The cost of SSL certificates vary and the green browser bar mark with lock icon in a web browser shows the highest degree of SSL security.
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Looking for a professional Thai web hosting is one of the challenging tasks for you just in case you are obliged to find their services. Since there are lots of numerous web hosting providers in the marketplace, you will never know which among the rest are rendering quality type of services. In respond to this kind of situation, it is necessary to choose the best among the rest of all.
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When a single server is divided into many independent units for hosting different websites, it is called virtual private server or VPS in short. Compared to a dedicated hosting option, virtual servers are cheap and better than shared hosting on many aspects. Here the single server is partitioned and each partition holds the operating system, disk space, bandwidth and other resources so that client’s website is independently hosted on each partition as a dedicated server.
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