When you are not satisfied with the current web hosting company, you can transfer your website to a new professional web hosting company like thaihosting without any hassles. Changing a web host is not a difficult process but requires patience and devoting a little time to effect the transfer smoothly. Simply follow the steps below before proceeding to change your web hosting company.
1. Back Up Your Website:
It is best to do a back up of all files as a safety measure in case if anything is lost during the transition. Sometimes you may think that the files had been previously saved since all of them were uploaded from your local computer. Over a period of time your website may undergo changes by getting contents uploaded by your visitors,from forums, blogs and during online transactions. It is also helpful to record important configuration information manually to make the process easy.

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2. Select New Hosting Company:
Compare your needs with the services provided by the new host. If satisfied, create an account and purchase their hosting plan. Some hosting companies do the transfer either free or with a payment. It is best to inform the visitors prior to the move so that they experience little downtime. If you are loading your website files yourself, upload it before dealing with your domain name change. Once all files are uploaded, you can check it by typing the IP address (Temporary URL) provided by the new hosting company into your web browser. You should proceed to change the name servers only if you are satisfied that every file present in the old website has been transferred to the new host properly.
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3. Change Domain Names:
The next step is to update the domain name details to the new hosting company. For this, login to your domain name account and change the name server over to the new hosting company to effect the transfer. If you are purchasing a domain from your new hosting provider, the process will be simple. It will take 24 to 48 hours to propagate the domain name from the old host to the new host.
Go here to find price on domains
4. Cancel the Old Hosting Account:
Test the website under the new hosting company for a few days and if you are satisfied with the functions, you can cancel the hosting account with the old provider.